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Is my business also covered through courier insurance if my vehicle is stolen or damaged?

Give us a call

As a courier driver, you spend hours on the road delivering your client’s goods. The amount of time spent travelling between drop-off point’s means you’re exposed to accidents on the road on a daily basis, and the goods that you’re transporting can also be targeted by thieves. With this in mind, it’s vital to have the correct insurance in place so that your courier business is financially protected should something go wrong.



Returning to your van to find it has been stolen can be gut-wrenching and as a courier, you’re now unable to carry out your work. It’s vital that as soon as you realise your vehicle is missing, you report it as stolen to the police and inform your insurers.

Being involved in an accident and damaging your vehicle can be another frustrating situation. Without a quick resolution, your courier business can be put in jeopardy because you’re no longer able to go about your work.

Informing your insurers swiftly after an accident could help resolve the matter and your claim can be processed quickly. Most insurers will ask to be informed immediately after an accident or within 48 hours at the latest.

To make sure you can get back on the road and return to your job as quickly as possible after your vehicle has been stolen or damaged, most insurers could either:

  • repair your vehicle
  • replace your vehicle; or
  • pay you a cash amount equal to the loss


Having the correct level of goods in transit (freight liability) insurance will protect goods that you’re carrying for hire and reward should they be stolen, damaged or lost. This can give both you and your clients’ peace of mind if an accident does happen.

Remember, you must provide accurate information to ensure that you have the right level of cover to protect the contents of the vehicle (goods in transit) as well as the driver themselves. Providing accurate information can leave you safe in the knowledge that if something were to go wrong you would be covered.

Not having the right goods in transit insurance means that the goods you are carrying will not be covered, leaving you liable, and impact your potential business earnings.


Staveley Head is here to help you get the right insurance for your needs at the right price. To get a quote you can call our specialist courier insurance team on 0800 0815 026 or go online.

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